Editorial requirements for published articles
1. The text of the article cannot be published anywhere before
2. Along with the article, information about the author’s affiliation, e-mail address, correspondence address, and telephone number should be sent.
3. Submitting the text for publication is tantamount to the declaration that the author has full copyrights to the text, and consent to the publication of the article by the Center for Local Development Foundation in paper and electronic versions.
4. Texts should be sent electronically to the following address:
5. The volume of the text: from 15 to 25 thousand. Characters, including a summary, keywords, footnotes, and a bibliography.
6. The article should be accompanied by:
summary (approx. ½ pages, up to 3000 characters), containing:
purpose of the article / Purpose of the article;
type of research methodology used / research approach / Research of methodology / research approach;
main research results / analyzes / Key findings / analysis;
practical implications / Practical implications;
implications social / Social implictaions;
keywords – max. 6 words / Keywords max. 6 words;
article category (according to the following classification): / Article category:
research article,
case study / case study,
methodological article,
conceptual article,
literature review / review article;
7. Font:
Times New Roman
Font size: 12 pt.
Line spacing: 1.5
Margins (top, bottom, left, and right): 2.5 cm
8. Charts and tables cannot be scanned. Tables should be prepared according to the following formula:
9. The source should be provided under the graphs and tables.
11. Elements of the article:
- Title of the article
- First name and last name
- Name of the represented institution (affiliation)
- summary
- Keywords
- Content of the article (with the placement of subheadings)
- Bibliography
12. Footnotes and bibliography should be prepared on the basis of the so-called “Harvard style”.
The most important principles of the “Harvard style”
Reference in the text to the source:
- in order to refer to the source, footnotes are not used, but only in the text, the author’s name and the year of publication are entered in brackets, e.g. (Kowalski 2002).
- if there are two authors, both surnames are entered, e.g. (Kowalski and Nowak 2003)
- if there are more authors, the first one is entered, followed by the Latin abbreviation et al. (et alli – et al.), e.g. (Kowalski et al. 2011)
- in the case of reference to several publications, the alphabetical order is used first, and then the chronological order, e.g. (Kowalski 1965; Nowak 2002; Michałowski 2011; Dolnicki 2012).
- in the case of references to several items by the same author published in the same year, an additional letter is introduced, e.g. (Kowalski 2012a; Kowalski 2012b)
- in the case of references to the publication of two persons with the same surname, their initials should be added), e.g. (M. Kowalski 2011; K. Kowalski 2011).
Quoting is done on the same terms. It is necessary to additionally provide the number of the page quoted in parentheses, eg (Kowalski 2002, p. 21).
The bibliography should be placed at the end of each text.
It must be in alphabetical order. The order of entries is as follows:
Surname and initial of the author’s name
Year of publication (in brackets)
Title (in italics)
Place of publication.
13. The editorial office reserves the right to make necessary abbreviations, editorial corrections, and others in the submitted materials, as required.
14. Editors do not return submitted texts.
15. Authors of published articles receive free of charge one copy of the book or journal in paper or electronic form (PDF format) sent to the indicated correspondence or e-mail address.
16. The condition for the publication of the text is a positive opinion of the reviewers or the author taking into account / referring to any comments from the reviewers.